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Facet Fuel Pump Part Numbers

Facet Fuel Pump Part Numbers
Which Facet / Bendix Fuel Pump do I have?

Facet (formerly Bendix) produces many variants of electric fuel pumps. Most of these variants are either the Cube style or the Cylindrical style. All Cube style pumps look identical, and all Cylindrical style pumps look identical. Unfortunately, that means that you can't tell which pump you have just by the shape. You need to know the Facet part number.

I already know, it's part number 574A!

574A is not a part number. It is the UL listing number, and it appears on the label of all Facet pumps. The part number has never been printed on the label.

Where is the part number on my Facet / Bendix pump?

Facet and Bendix pumps have several numbers printed on the label and stamped on the metal parts. Ignore all numbers printed on the label. None of these numbers will identify the pump.

On cube-style and Gold-Flo (cylindrical) pumps, the actual Facet or Bendix part number is a 5- to 7- digit number stamped on one mounting flange as shown below.

Facet Cylindrical Pump Label     Facet Cube Style Pump Label

Note that two to four digits will appear on each side of the mounting hole. Click either photo to enlarge.

Cube-style pump numbers are 5 digits, starting with 40.

Cylindrical pump numbers are 5 digits, starting with 40, or 6 digits starting with 47 or 48. There may also be an additional letter at the end (see below).

On Posi-Flo pumps, the part number is stamped on the back of the black polymer body. If you are looking at the label, you will have to turn the pump around to see the number. Click the photo to enlarge.

Facet Posi-Flo Pump Label

Posi-Flo pump numbers are 5 digits, starting with 60. The part number is below the words "Made in USA" and above the serial number stamp.

Dura-Lift pump numbers are 5 digits, starting with 402. The number is stamped into the black polymer body.

What does the letter at the end mean?

Some Facet Cylindrical pump numbers end with a letter. The letter does not affect the suitability of the pump for any particular application (the 476087E shown replaces both the 476087 and 476087I).

  • E stands for Electronic, and I stands for Interrupter. When Facet switched the cylindrical pumps from points-style (Interrupter) to all solid-state (Electronic), this letter designated which way the pump operated. The two are fully interchangeable, and only the Electronic version is currently made.
  • B stands for Bulk, and N stands for iNdividually boxed. This refers to packaging only, and has nothing to do with the pump itself.

The Facet part number will help us to positively identify which pump you have. Once you have the Facet number, you can either search for it on our website or call our Tech Line at 262-317-1200.

Bendix Positive-Ground to Facet Negative-Ground Part Number Cross-Reference

Although Facet no longer manufactures any positive-ground pumps, it is easy to install a negative-ground fuel pump in a positive-ground electrical system.

The following chart was excerpted from the July 1965 issue of the Alfa Owner, the newsletter of the Alfa Romeo Owners Club. Many thanks to Ted Medley for compiling this information and to Brian Shorey of the AROC for making it available online.

Volts Ground Black Top
2.75 - 4.0 psi
Silver Top
4.0 - 5.5 psi
Red Top
6.5 - 8.0 psi
Blue Top
6.5 - 8.0 psi
12 V Positive 477223 476090 480540 480535
12 V Negative 477060 476087 480532 480534*

* 480534 can be replaced by 480532. The only difference is a finer internal filter (74 micron instead of 400 micron) in the 480532 pump.

Shop for Facet Fuel Pumps and Accessories

Read more about Facet fuel pumps:

Installing Negative-Ground Fuel Pumps in Positive-Ground Systems
Air and Fuel Delivery Technical Documents and How-To

This article was first published on 12/10/2008.

It was most recently modified on 6/6/2018.